Category: Health and Mental Health

Resources on Cannabis Law and Use

Canadian law regulating cannabis changed on October 17th, 2018.  Many service providers have indicated that they are fielding questions and concerns about the new law.  These resources may be useful in responding to these questions. Justice Canada’s website has information about what is legal and not legal: The Province of Manitoba website ‘Know the Facts’ has…


Social Isolation of Seniors – A Focus on New Immigrant and Refugee Seniors in Canada

This supplement is a resource to help organizations and service providers adopt approaches to help new immigrant and refugee seniors strengthen human connections. Social isolation is a silent reality experienced by many seniors, and particularly new immigrant and refugee seniors. It is hoped that this resource will heighten awareness and sensitivity and help organizations, friends,…


The Incident: Workplace Safety and Health for Newcomers

This resource DVD resource was produced by Manitoba Immigration and Multiculturalism, to create awareness of workplace safety rights and responsibilities among Manitoba newcomers. The video tells the story of a newcomer who agrees to do a job without receiving proper training. Through one dangerous incident, she learns many important lessons: There are roles and responsibilities…


The World Is Bright Discussion & Lesson Guide for English Language Learners

This educational guide offers a variety of activities for teachers of English language learners to use with students to accompany a screening of the film The World Is Bright. The combined audio-visual nature of film provides an access point for students to become familiar with English-language stories and media in an immersive and engaging format….


Trauma-Informed Care Website Launch

Klinic Community Health and the Manitoba Trauma Information and Education Centre (MTIEC) are excited to announce the launch of our updated website that supports trauma-informed care: <> Trauma is prevalent. An estimated 76 percent of Canadians report they have experienced at least one traumatic event in their lifetime. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada has seen…


We don’t need feminism anymore, do we? GBA Plus Interactive Activity

This tool is an interactive role-playing activity that can accommodate up to 20 participants. The tool is designed for social service workers wishing to expand their understanding of GBA Plus, intersectionality, and feminism. Participants will explore the difference between “equality” and “equity” through the experiences of women in the 21st century workforce, including newcomers to…


Winnipeg Library – Health resources

When it comes to questions about health, reliable resources are critical. Start your health information search with this webpage by the Winnipeg Public Library. Being informed about health topics can help you play an active role in your own health care or help you support someone else. These resources can be helpful for you to:…