Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO) is a membership association for 70+ settlement service providers in Manitoba. Our members provide services for newcomers and their accompanying family members and support them along with, but not limited to, employment, housing, childcare, language, and other special needs.

Although services may vary, one thing that MANSO members share is the desire to help newcomers, and the passion to contribute to their surrounding community. This #MANSOmember Stories series is dedicated to showcasing our members and their day-to-day work assisting and empowering newcomers throughout their settlement and resettlement journey here in Manitoba, Canada.

Amplify our message by sharing these stories and following MANSO on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Canadian Muslim Women’s Institute

Posted: November 2022

Since 2006, the Canadian Muslim Women’s Institute (CMWI) has been helping newcomers and refugees with programs and services so they can settle and call Winnipeg home. We had a chance to talk with Yasmin Ali, CMWI’s Board President, and Maria Rabadi, CMWI’s Employment Training Coordinator, to learn about CMWI and its services to newcomers. Read more.


Should you have any questions or concerns, please email MANSO Communications and Project Coordinator.