Category: Diversity, Accessibility and Inter-cultural Communication

Anti-Racism Resources by the Alberta Teacher’s Association

This webpage by the Alberta Teacher’s Association (ATA) is a compilation of teacher resources for learning and teaching about racism and anti-racism, including books, lesson plans and videos.


City of Winnipeg (Manitoba) – Newcomer Welcome and Inclusion Policy

The Newcomer Welcome and Inclusion Policy was adopted by the City Council of Winnipeg on February 27, 2020. Part I of the Stakeholder Engagement Summary provides an overview of feedback collected for the Policy. Part II of the Stakeholder Engagement Summary is the overview of how feedback was considered in the Policy. The City will…


MANSO: Accessible Customer Service Standards Course

In partnership with the Manitoba Possible (formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities) and English Online, MANSO is launching an online course for staff and volunteers of our member organizations to learn about the Accessible Customer Service Standards (ACSS) that are part of the Accessibility for Manitobans Act. The Accessibility for Manitobans Act became law in Manitoba in December 2013….


AAISA: Building Champions of Anti-Racism and Anti-Islamophobia: A Practice Guide for Alberta’s Settlement Community

Building Champions of Anti-Racism and Anti-Islamophobia: A Practice Guide for Alberta’s Settlement Community (the ‘Practice Guide’) is a practical manual of principles, tools, resources and case examples that can help professionals, organizations, government or communities address racism and Islamophobia at an individual, community, or systems level. An online learning component will function alongside the Practice…


Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA) and Online Learning Portal

The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA) became law in December 2013. This landmark legislation provides a proactive process to remove barriers affecting persons with disabilities and many other citizens. The Accessibility Standard for Customer Service came into effect for businesses, non-profits and smaller municipalities on November 1, 2018. To meet the requirements of the standard…


Accessibility for Manitobans Act: Tools to Support Accessibility

Manitoba’s Disabilities Issues Office (DIO) supports The Accessibility for Manitobans Act with a variety of tools to help expand knowledge and action on accessibility. The Accessibility Standard for Customer Service requires policies and training to provide services in an efficient, fair and respectful manner.  The deadline for non-profits to comply is November 2018.  The word “customer” means…


Analytical Frameworks for Building Equity: An Educational Resource for the Immigrant and Refugee Serving Sector

  This educational resource provides key information and considerations for comparing different analytical frameworks and theories to build and promote accessibility, equity, diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism. It supports organizations in assessing and strengthening their capacity to build equitable policies, programs, procedures, and practices within the immigrant and refugee serving sector. The analytical frameworks and theories…