Category: Migrant Workers

AMSSA: Migrant Worker Hub

The Migrant Worker Hub is a digital resource centre with tools and information to strengthen the knowledge and capacity of individuals, employers, unions, professional associations and organizations supporting Migrant Workers in British Columbia. Some of the content is specific to British Columbia, but some is relevant to those in all provinces (eg: webinar on ‘Recognizing…


MANSO’s Resource: Immigration Status & Eligibility of Government Benefits

Immigration Status & Eligibility of Government Benefits is a resource put together by the Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO) to help services providers, private sponsors and other supporting organizations connect newcomers with government benefits.  This resource is organized into tables sorted by immigration status. Along with a brief explanation of specific eligibility rules for each…


OHC: COVID-19 resources & public presentation for workers

The MFL Occupational Health Centre (OHC) is a community health centre funded by Winnipeg Regional Health Authority and donations. The Centre helps workers, employers, and joint health and safety committees to improve workplace health and safety conditions and eliminate hazards. Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, OHC has delivered several public presentations on topics…