In partnership with all our members, MANSO can play an important role in identifying issues that positively and negatively affect the integration of newcomers, which means that we can inform and enrich many policy conversations. We believe it will strengthen our work with the government and the general public to identify areas of consensus or common ground on policy issues among our membership and to be able to “speak with one voice” on issues of key concern.


The following resolution was developed by our members and adopted during MANSO’s AGM on June 13th, 2024:

2024-01 Ensuring Equitable Access to High Quality Childcare for Newcomer Families


The following resolution was developed by our members and adopted during MANSO’s AGM on June 15th, 2023:

2023-01 Equity of Services for all Newcomers to Canada

2023-02 Ensuring Health Coverage and Settlement Services for International Students


The following resolution was developed by our members and adopted during MANSO’s AGM on June 16th, 2022:

2022-1 Affordable & Appropriate Housing Policy

2022-2  Affordable and Accessible Internet Policy


The following resolution was developed by our members and adopted during MANSO’s AGM on June 17th, 2021:

2021-1  Anti-Racism Policy Resolution


The following resolutions were developed by our members and adopted during MANSO’s AGM on June 10th, 2020:

2020-1  Availability of Settlement Language Classes for Stage 1 (Literacy-CLB 4) Canadian Citizens and Temporary Residents

2020-2  Enhanced Opportunities in Gap Training and Bridge Programming for Internationally Educated Professionals (IEPs)


The following resolutions were developed by our members and adopted during MANSO’s AGM on June 12th, 2019:

2019-1  Affordable and Appropriate Housing
2019-2  Availability of Stage 2 (Canadian Language Benchmark 5-8) Language Classes
2019-3  Policy Changes to Transportation Loans for Refugees
2019-4  Access Without Fear Policy
2019-5  Changes to Personal Information Requirements for Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Newcomers
2019-6  Addressing Educational Barriers for Newcomer Youth Linked to the ‘E’ Credit System

MANSO 2019 Policy Resolution package

For more information on how MANSO is advancing these policies, or to get involved in upcoming policy resolution development, please contact