MANSO is a member of several regional and national networks which have missions that align with MANSO’s purpose.
Canadian Immigrant Settlement Sector Alliance (CISSA-ACSEI)
The Canadian Immigrant Settlement Sector Alliance- Alliance canadienne du secteur de l’établissement des immigrants (CISSA-ACSEI) was formed in March 2005 to represent the immigrant settlement sector in Canada and to bring the sector’s expertise to bear on public policies and programs for enhancing the settlement and integration of immigrants and refugees.
Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR)
MANSO is a member of the Canadian Council for Refugees, a national non-profit umbrella organization committed to the rights and protection of refugees and other vulnerable migrants in Canada and around the world and to the settlement of refugees and immigrants in Canada.
Commitment to Opportunity, Diversity and Equity Coalition (CODE)
MANSO is a CODE Coalition member – a group of organizations that share a commitment to furthering diversity, inclusion, and equity in the workplace. As a member of the CODE Coalition, we are committed to:
1. Continuous learning
2. Creating and implementing a workplace diversity and inclusion strategy
3. Measuring progress
Immigration Partnership Winnipeg (IPW)
MANSO is one of two key partners in Winnipeg’s Local Immigration Partnership, now called Immigration Partnership Winnipeg. The partnership aims to improve the economic and social integration of newcomers in Winnipeg and is hosted at the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg.
Immigration Research West

MANSO sits on the Board of Governors of Immigration Research West, and our Research Coodinator liaises with them on projects in the PNT region. The purpose of IRW is to enhance research capacity of faculty and students and to work with service providers and government offices to enhance our knowledge of the settlement experiences and outcomes of newcomers. Research activities undertaken by IRW focus on citizenship, immigration, settlement and cohesion between immigrants and Canadians who have settled in the west and north of Canada.
Newcomer Language Advisory Body (NLAB)
MANSO represents the Manitoba language sector at the Newcomer Language Advisory Body. NLAB is an IRCC initiative consisting of representatives from a variety of language programming providers across Canada. This forum provides an opportunity for the language sector to have a national voice and to collaborate with their colleagues from the wider settlement sector. NLAB meets with IRCC representatives at face to face meetings and through conference calls and has the opportunity to contribute to the national conversation through participation at the National Settlement Council.
National Settlement and Integration Council (NSIC)
MANSO represents the Manitoba settlement sector at the National Settlement & Integration Council, which is a joint policy and program table of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada, as well as the provincial government and sector representatives from across Canada.
Réseau en Immigration Francophone (RIF)
MANSO attends meetings of the RIF, which is a group of Francophone organizations that jointly develop appropriate strategies to promote Francophone immigration.
Le Réseau en Immigration Francophone du Manitoba (RIF du Manitoba) est un regroupement d’organismes francophones qui élaborent de façon concertée des stratégies appropriées pour favoriser l’immigration francophone.
TESL Manitoba

MANSO supports the work of TESL MB (formerly known as Teachers of EAL to Adult in Manitoba, or TEAM) is a non-profit professional organization that supports ESL/EAL teachers in Manitoba. It is the professional organization that supports EAL teachers and students in Manitoba by providing professional development opportunities and advocacy.
TESL Canada
MANSO supports the work of Teachers of English as a Second Language Canada. TESL Canada Federation is the national federation of English as a Second Language teachers, learners, and learner advocates. TESL Canada’s mission is to promote excellence in the teaching and learning of English as a second language or additional language in partnership with its constituent provincial and territorial associations, and like-minded national and international organizations.