Tools & Resources list on Anti-racism
#DYK MANSO maintains a list of sector-relevant Tools & Resources on our website? Discover the #Anti-racism resources that can be useful to service providers, refugee sponsors and other community members.
Film project on Anti-Racism
“Real Change” was part of a research project in Manitoba by BUCARES. From 500 stories collected, the films were launched online with accompanying toolkits and a facilitation guide. The films highlighted anti-Indigenous racism, anti-Newcomer racism, Islamophobia, and anti-Black racism
The Canadian Council for Refugees, Amnesty International Canada and the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers are working together to advocate for welcoming refugees in Canada. Learn more at #refugeeswelcome
#Bienvenue aux Refugies
Le Conseil canadien pour les réfugiés, Amnesty International Canada et l’Association canadienne des avocats et avocates en droit des réfugiés collaborent pour promouvoir l’accueil des réfugiés au Canada. #bienvenueauxréfugiés

Admissions of Permanent Residents (January to November 2024)

Source: IRCC, Jan 15, 2025

17,255Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP)
105Temporary Resident to Permanent Resident Pathway

835Privately Sponsored Refugee (PSR)

590Government-Assisted Refugee (GAR)

Resources & Infographics

List of Resources: Support for the Ukrainian Community


As the settlement and integration sector provincial coordination hub for Manitoba, MANSO is actively coordinating settlement services for Ukrainian arrivals to Manitoba and distributing information to our members and key stakeholders on a regular basis. We have compiled a list of resources to keep you informed of the current situation.

Learn more 


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