Category: Language Training

COVID-19 Vaccine Lesson Plan – Language Training Resource for LINC and Informal Language Programs (EN/FR)

MANSO is pleased to share a newly developed resource for both LINC and Informal Language Programs. The English Vaccine Lesson Plan for Literacy to CLB 2 (low beginners), CLB 3-4 (intermediate beginners), and CLB 5-6 (intermediate learners) is designed to share vaccine information with adult, newcomer learners, address some myths associated with COVID-19 and vaccines,…


Informal Language Resource Guide

  MANSO has compiled a list of informal language training resources from our members & community organizations in Winnipeg. The programs listed will be updated regularly. If you know of a conversation circle or informal language program that is missing from this list (or want to update your information), please contact Cristina Dreyer at


New IRCC Settlement Language Videos

IRCC has released two new settlement language videos that can be shared widely with staff and newcomers alike: Language training options for newcomers to Canada describes the language training and learning opportunities offered through the Settlement Program. This video will help newcomers understand what they can expect from different types of language programming, including formal…


Parenting School-Age and Adult Children: An EAL Resource Guide for Parents and Caregivers

The Pacific Immigrant Resources Society, with funding from BC TEAL, has created this resource: Parenting School-Age and Adult Children The Parenting Curriculum Guide was created to meet the needs of newcomer parents and caregivers with a CLB 3 or higher. The hope is that by using the guide and resources your English language classes will…


A Principles-based Approach to Supporting LINC Learners

AMSSA (B.C.’s umbrella organization) has just launched this new guide, A Principles-based Approach to Supporting LINC Learners.  The guide is meant to respond to Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) service providers’ need for tools and supports to meet the objectives of IRCC funded language training.  These supports are needed even more as newcomer…


Canadian Language Benchmarks: Can Do Statements

The Can Do Statements are based on the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB). They describe what learners can do at benchmarks 1 to 12 in the skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. The purpose of these statements is to present some of the information in the CLB document in language that is accessible to learners….


Childcare Assistant EAL Curriculum: Building CLB 3, 4, 5 Language Skills

  The Childcare Assistant EAL Curriculum, funded by the Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO), is designed to support newcomers at CLB 3, 4, and 5 who have different levels of interest in, and experience with, early childhood education as a career.  With the support of MANSO’s Care for Newcomer Children Committee, a partnership…


CLB Bootcamp & ESL for ALL

If you are a new TESL graduate or an EAL instructor who needs a refresher course, the CLB Bootcamp and ESL for ALL (Adult Literacy Learners) online courses are available free of charge from the Canadian Centre for Language Benchmarks (CCLB). New graduates:  these courses contain essential knowledge for EAL instructors in Canada who are…