Surrey First Peoples Guide for Newcomers

The Surrey First Peoples Guide for Newcomers is a response to the call for accurate resources on First Peoples in Canada from an Indigenous perspective.  It amplifies voices of the land-based Nations that Surrey occupies and builds solidarity between Indigenous and newcomer communities.

This resource provides information on the traditional protocols, histories, and current realities of Indigenous, Metis, and Inuit people in Canada, and addresses common misconceptions about the First People of this land. This guide seeks to uplift and amplify the voices of the land-based Nations that Surrey occupies, and uncovers hard truths, constructs a foundation for shared understanding, and continues the important work of building solidarity between the Indigenous and newcomer communities in Surrey.

The Surrey First Peoples Guide for Newcomers was created and compiled by Jeska Slater, Principal at Littlecrane Consulting. Jeska is a Nehiyaw iskwew (Cree woman) from Fisher River Cree Nation, part of Treaty 5 in Manitoba.