Manitoba Hydro has produced various safety materials, which can be republished with credit to Manitoba Hydro. The goal is to provide more of these materials to new Canadians to not only educate adults and children on general safety but to also teach them about fraud awareness. They can also be used by K-12 teachers in classes.
Click Before You Dig Electrical, Natural Gas and Outdoor Safety Water Safety around Dams and Generating stations Safety Tips Brochure for Newcomers to Canada Materials and tools for K-12 teachersManitoba Hydro is increasingly seeing recent immigrants victimized by door-to-door sales fraud, and text, or email phishing scams. Learn how to avoid becoming a victim of scams, available in English and French.
Do you cook or heat with natural gas?
Manitoba Hydro wants to remind all new Canadians about the dangers of natural gas and carbon monoxide (CO). Manitoba Hydro has produced a physical brochure that includes a scratch-and-sniff sticker to illustrate what natural gas smells like. Please contact the MANSO office at to put in a request for physical copies for your organization.
Digital brochures: Arabic, English, French, Ukrainian