Sex Trafficking “It’s time to “T.A.L.K.” – The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking
The Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline is a confidential, multilingual service, operating 24/7 to connect victims and survivors with social services, law enforcement, and emergency services, as well as receive tips from the public. Sex trafficking is a complex issue that often goes unnoticed by many Canadians, who may believe it only occurs in other countries…
CYRRC – Infographics on Refugee Settlement Research
The Child and Youth Refugee Research Coalition (CYRRC) brings together academics, community partners, and government agencies to conduct research and mobilize knowledge that promotes the social integration, education, and mental and physical well-being of refugee children and youth in Canada. CYRRC is committed to sharing research findings in a variety of formats to appeal to…
CYRRC – Research and Podcast on Refugee Settlement
The Child and Youth Refugee Research Coalition (CYRRC) brings together academics, community partners, and government agencies to conduct research and mobilize knowledge that promotes the social integration, education, and mental and physical well-being of refugee children and youth in Canada. CYRRC’s podcast series, The Refuge, brings together youth with refugee experience, academics, and community partners…
Multilingual factsheet: Temporary Foreign Workers – Your Rights are Protected
In Canada, the rights of all workers, including temporary foreign workers, are protected by law. If you are a temporary foreign worker, you have the same rights and protections as Canadians and permanent residents. Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) has developed a multilingual guide, intended for temporary foreign workers hired under the Temporary Foreign Worker…
Multilingual Factsheet: Getting a License as a Temporary Foreign Worker in Manitoba
Manitoba licensing laws require that non-residents obtain a Manitoba driver’s licence to continue driving in Manitoba three months after their arrival in the province. After arriving here, you will need to switch your valid licence to a Manitoba driver’s licence, so it is best to start this process as soon as possible. Temporary foreign agricultural… – A guide for refugee claimants in Canada
People who leave their home country due to persecution and ask for protection in another country are called asylum seekers. In Canada, asylum seekers are called refugee claimants. On arrival in Canada, refugee claimants begin a complex journey in their quest for refugee protection. If they get refugee protection, they are eligible to apply for…
Making an immigration appeal – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB)
The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) has shared a newly launched web page to support parties appearing before the Immigration Appeal Division (IAD). Written in easy-to-understand language, the content will hopefully provide added support to appellants, particularly those without counsel and vulnerable persons. This new web content is developed in collaboration with Clear…
Multilingual brochure: Information for Newcomers to Canada: Truth & Reconciliation
This brochure is a project initiated by a group of students attending Red River College Polytech’s Social Innovation and Community Development program, in partnership with the Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO) and reviewed by Elder Paul Guimond. This project aims to provide information to newcomers to Canada on the true history of Indigenous-Settler…
City of Winnipeg Anti-racsim initiatives: Children Activity Kits
This Children Activity Kits, provided by the City of Winnipeg, helps to engage children (ages 6-12) in learning about important topics like racism, discrimination, equality, and reconciliation. This activity toolkit was designed with support from Equitas–International Centre for Human Rights Education. It has been developed in support of anti-racism and is a child-friendly tool to…
Multilingual Resource: Basics of Tenant Insurance Brochure
Did you know that as a renter in Manitoba, your landlord’s home insurance won’t cover your belongings in the event of a fire, theft, or damage? You’re also responsible for any damage that you cause to your building and for any accidental injuries incurred by someone while visiting the property. Even though you don’t own…