ACS Studies: Canadian Opinion on the Corona Virus (Parts 1-20)

“The findings are based on a two week rolling average of groups identifying as visible minority, conducted by Leger in partnership with the Association for Canadian Studies with a total sample for the two weeks exceeding 3700 Canadians, 18 years of age or older and collected via an online panel between March 27 and March 29 and April 3 and 5, 2020. The first table establishes a cumulative score based on four indicators of economic/financial vulnerability the details for which are provided in the four subsequent tables. A final table touches on the extent to which the six groups believe that there is a major threat to their personal financial situation.”


  • Latin American, South Asian and black Canadians exceed 50 percent on economic vulnerability arising from COVID-19 crisis
  • Latin American, Arabic and black groups report greater difficulty in financial support for family members
  • Substantial gap between black, South Asian and Latin American in capacity to pay rent or mortgage relative to white respondents
  • Big gap in ability of South Asian, black and Latin American Canadians and Chinese and white to pay bills on time
  • Important percentage of Latin Americans, South Asian, black and Arabic report decrease in income since beginning of crisis
  • At least seven in ten South Asians, Latin American and black Canadians report that the current crisis constitutes a major threat to their personal financial situation
  • Canada and the United States show similarities in gaps between non-white /white and vizmin/ not vizmin when it comes to economic impact of COVID-19

Detailed reports:

N°20: In Canadians we trust: Americans trust Canadians more than they trust themselves (May 4)

N°19: Going back to work and getting there: The curve’s not flat: cities and provinces must ensure that public transit concerns are allayed to help success of re-engagement (Apr 29)

N°18: Francophone Quebecers less fearful of getting COVID-19 than other Canadians; also far more favorable to loosening restrictions of under 65 and maintaining for over 65 (Apr 29)

N°17: Our ability to social distance will be tested in the coming weeks: Quebecers find it more difficult to social distance than do other Canadians (Apr 27)

N°16: Masking or unmasking? Canadians increasingly wearing protective mask in public spaces as COVID-19 crisis evolves (Apr 24)

N°15: Getting the groceries: who is most likely to go out for groceries and are they getting the foods that they need? (Apr 24)

N°14: Economic Vulnerability score for selected Visible Minorities and the effects COVID-19 (Apr 14)

N°13: Religion and COVID-19 (Apr 9)

N°12: Newcomers far more likely to wear a protective mask than persons born in Canada? (Apr 9)

N°11: Spectrum of Concern around Covid-19 (Apr 3)

N°10: Rising Anxiety from Covid-19 disproportionately affects Women (Apr 3)

N°9: Newcomers to Canada Hard hit economically by Covid-19 (Apr 3)

N°8: When do Canadians think that life will return to normal? (Mar 25)

N°7: Governing the Virus: Quebecers and other Canadians differ significantly on performance of Federal government in managing the crisis but so do Francophone and Anglophone Quebecers (Mar 25)

N°6: Young Quebec Men are Much less serious about Covid-19 (Mar 25)

N°5: Young Men less likely to take Covid 19 seriously (Gender Based Analysis) (Mar 23)

N°4: Chinese Canadians and the Coronavirus (Mar 22)

N°3: Attitudes and Behaviour(s): Immigrant and Non-Immigrant (March 20)

N°2: Border Closings and Worry About Contact with Asians and Iranians (Mar 17)

N°1: Canadian Opinion on the Corona Virus – Part 1 (Mar 16)

Released March-April 2020