Evaluation of the Provincial Nominee Program
IRCC has released their Evaluation of the Provincial Nominee Program. Available in English and French below: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/reports-statistics/evaluations/provincial-nominee-program-2015.html https://www.canada.ca/fr/immigration-refugies-citoyennete/organisation/rapports-statistiques/evaluations/programme-candidats-provinces-2015.html
IRCC Settlement Program Evaluation
The IRCC Settlement Program Evaluation 2018 is now available in both French and English on their website. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/reports-statistics/evaluations.html https://www.canada.ca/fr/immigration-refugies-citoyennete/organisation/rapports-statistiques/evaluations.html
CAMH: The Immigrant and Refugee Mental Health Project (EN/ FR)
This project is an evidence-based, capacity-building initiative designed to enhance your knowledge and skills as a settlement, social or health service provider, to appropriately respond to the unique mental health needs of new immigrants and refugees, and to foster inter-sector and inter-professional collaboration. The project will contribute to advancing the network of service provision for…
IRCC Language Training Videos
The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship’s YouTube channel features a video promoting federally-funded settlement language training in Canada. Available in French, English , Arabic , Mandarin, Spanish, Hindi, and Farsi.
Canada Revenue Agency – Fact Sheets for Newcomers
The Canada Revenue Agency has prepared some facts sheets and posters to help newcomers understand what benefits are available through the CRA (and why filing taxes is important). Fact Sheets for Newcomers: Newcomer Fact Sheet – English Newcomer Fact Sheet – French Newcomer Fact Sheet – Arabic Newcomer Fact Sheet – Tagalog Newcomer Fact Sheet…
CIMI: The Canadian Index for Measuring Integration
The Canadian Institute for Identities and Migration presents the Canadian Index for Measuring Integration (CIMI), the first of its kind in Canada. The CIMI fills an existing knowledge gap by providing a composite measure to evaluate the relative performance of immigrants compared to their receiving society.
LIPs Learning Event Report
The LIPs Learning Event was held June 7th and 8th, 2017 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Regina, Saskatchewan. The event’s agenda resulted from the collaboration of a conference advisory committee representing the Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs) of the Prairies and Northern Territories (PNT). The event provided an opportunity for LIPs and the Réseaux en immigration…
Tutela: The Online Community for ESL/FSL Professionals
Tutela is an online community for ESL/FSL professionals focusing on language training for adult newcomers. This resource is open to current and future ESL/FSL professionals across Canada. Communicate, collaborate, access key resources, and increase your knowledge by participating in webinars and web conferences from across the country.
RAP Need Assessments: Working Documents
These working documents were developed by MANSO in collaboration with the three Manitoba Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP) Providers: Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council – Welcome Place, Accueil francophone and Westman Immigrant Services. These are working documents intended to guide trained settlement practitioners in conducting needs assessments with refugee families. The initial needs assessment is intended to…
Refugee Sponsorship Training Program
The Refugee Sponsorship Training Program (RSTP) is a program designed to support the Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs) of Canada, their Constituent Groups, Groups of Five and Community Sponsors on a national level (excl. Quebec). The objective of the RSTP is to address their information and on-going training needs as well as the initial information needs…