NCLC: Autoévaluation en ligne

Cet outil d’autoévaluation sur le Web a été développé pour les personnes qui sont en train d’apprendre le français langue seconde. Le test est fondé sur les Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens. This online self-assessment tool was developed for people who are in the process of learning French as a Second Language (FSL). These tests…

Kinbrace: Refugee Hearing Preparation Guide

The Refugee Hearing Preparation Guide is for refugee claimants and their service providers. It educates, guides, and supports refugee claimants who are preparing for their refugee hearings. It informs and empowers service providers in their understanding of the refugee hearing preparation process. And, refugee claimants and service providers learn about essential legal issues pertaining to refugee…

Louer au Manitoba

A plain-language guide to Renting in Manitoba (French translation produced with the support of Freynet-Gagne Translation and Consulting). Hard copies of the guide can be ordered from the MANSO office. For any questions or to place an order please email Adia Koodoo at