GBA Plus Policy Assessment Tool
This tool helps organizations integrate a GBA Plus perspective into their policies and initiatives by evaluating whether gender and intersecting identity factors are adequately addressed. It provides a structured process for identifying strengths and areas for improvement. Adapted from guidelines by the Canadian Department of Women and Gender Equality for the Immigrant and Refugee Serving…
Course #1: An Introduction to Gender-Based Analysis (GBA) Plus Course #2: Organizational Capacity Building Through a GBA Plus Lens Course #1 is an introductory level course that provides a general overview of what GBA Plus is in the context of providing services and supports to newcomers, immigrants, and refugees in Canada. Course #2 explores the…
GBA Plus Equity Frameworks Workshop
This workshop is designed to increase understanding of the relationship between GBA Plus and equity frameworks, using IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility) as the core example. It provides a conceptual grounding in GBA Plus and IDEA and lays out a model demonstrating their complementary nature. An example case study shows how these frameworks work…
CYRRC – Research and Podcast on Refugee Settlement
The Child and Youth Refugee Research Coalition (CYRRC) brings together academics, community partners, and government agencies to conduct research and mobilize knowledge that promotes the social integration, education, and mental and physical well-being of refugee children and youth in Canada. CYRRC’s podcast series, The Refuge, brings together youth with refugee experience, academics, and community partners…
Resettlement Plus: An online resource on refugee resettlement
Resettlement Plus is a shared project by the University of Ottawa Refugee Hub and the University of Toronto, which hosts a searchable and browsable database of resources about resettlement, community-based refugee sponsorship and complementary pathways, like family reunification, education pathways and employment pathways. This knowledge platform collects, organizes, and shares information from around the world,…
Open Work Permit for Vulnerable Workers: Update / Permis de travail ouvert pour les travailleurs vulnérables : mise à jour
From: Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada / Immigration Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada Just over a year ago, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada launched the Open Work Permit for Vulnerable Workers: a new program to help migrant workers quickly exit situations of workplace abuse. To further promote awareness of the program, the Department has released a video in multiple…
City of Winnipeg (Manitoba) – Newcomer Welcome and Inclusion Policy
The Newcomer Welcome and Inclusion Policy was adopted by the City Council of Winnipeg on February 27, 2020. Part I of the Stakeholder Engagement Summary provides an overview of feedback collected for the Policy. Part II of the Stakeholder Engagement Summary is the overview of how feedback was considered in the Policy. The City will…
Evaluation of the Provincial Nominee Program
IRCC has released their Evaluation of the Provincial Nominee Program. Available in English and French below:
Childminding Monitoring, Advisory and Support (CMAS)
Childminding Monitoring, Advisory and Support (CMAS) has a website with resources for IRCC-funded service providers who offer Care for Newcomer Children (CNC).