Note: some presentations are uploaded as .pdf due to the size of the files. MANSO staff is happy to provide a more accessible format on request.
Wednesday, September 12th, 2018
Opening Plenary
After the opening invocation by Albert McLeod, Vicki Sinclair gave a brief update on MANSO’s activities to follow up on the recommendations that came out of the 2017 Summit. A brief update on MANSO’s activties was included in conference packages. (A French translation of the document is now available).
A brief summary of remarks by Chris Friesen, Chair of CISSA-ACSEI, will be shared in the report. During Chris’s presentation, he mentioned several new technologies he sees as having potential for settlement service providers. They are:
- Refugee 613 (based in Ottawa) recently launched the Digital Messaging for Settlement and Integration (DMSI).
-, a social enterprise between the Vancouver Community Network and ISSofBC, the first web based two way texting system for newcomers.
- PeaceGeeks Pathways project, an app being piloted to connect newcomers with a personalized directory of settlement services.
- Cell-Ed, a complete mobile solution for employers and education providers to reach, retain and upskill millions of low-skilled, low-literate, low-wage workers worldwide on any mobile device
- The Rumie tablet, a Canadian invention founded in 2013, which can be pre-loaded with customized interactive educational content and studying tools that meet the specific needs of your learner.
These links are provided for information, and are not an endorsement from MANSO.
A1: Settlement of Francophone Refugees in Manitoba
- Étude sur les réfugiés dexpression française de Winnipeg (Français), Dr. Faiçal Zellama and Dr. Patrick Noël
- «Potentiels» d’intégration des demandeurs d’asile ayant traversé la frontière d’Emerson (Manitoba), (Français), Dr. Faiçal Zellama and Dr. Patrick Noël
A2: Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program
- Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program, Fanny Levy, Immigration & Economic Opportunities, Manitoba Education and Training
A3: Supporting Older Adults
- Supporting Older Adults, Maureen Keelan, Mary Banas and Victoria Hampton, A & O
- Supporting Older Adults, Iael Besendorf, Jewish Child & Family Service
- Supporting Older Adults, Jose Chinchilla and Ernesto Ofiaza, Seven Oaks Immigrant Services
A4: Language Training & Employment Research: Panel
- Open Government Data Portal, Dr. Jill Bucklaschuk, Research Coordinator, MANSO
- Manitoba Labour Market Report, Don Walmsely, NAISS & Dr. Paul MacLeod, Assiniboine Community College
- Using Research to Better Serve Clients, Dr. Paul MacLeod, Assiniboine Community College
B1: Employment: Exploring the Trades
- Exploring the Trades, Guy Champagne, Apprenticeship Manitoba
B2: Activating Empathy In Inclusive Learning Spaces
- Activating Empathy in Inclusive Learning Spaces, Edmund Machona, Rainbow Resource Centre & Larissa Klymkiw, Red River College
B3: Newcomer Youth & Education
- Newcomer Education Coalition, Noëlle DePape, Immigration Partnership Winnipeg, Kathleen Vyrauen, Newcomer Education Coalition / N.E.E.D.S. Inc., Paul Kambaja, Newcomer Education Coalition / Grant Park
B4: Engaging Municipalities
- No PowerPoint presentations, brief summary will be included in the report.