MANSO Committee Update: Employment Committee

MANSO’s Employment Committee was formed in September 2016 and is composed of approximately 23 individuals from a range of MANSO member organizations including those offering employment services, as well as language and settlement providers with an interest in employment.

The committee is divided into two working groups, Qualifications Recognition and Entry Level Employment, and meets approximately once every quarter (although meetings are more frequent at times depending on specific initiatives or presentations).

This fall, the Committee invited guest presenters from Industry, Training, and Employment Services (ITES), Employment and Income Assistance, and the Office of the Manitoba Fairness Commission (OMFC).  The committee’s primary focus thus far has been on identifying gaps, barriers, and challenges to employment for newcomers.  The committee continues to define its role and identify areas for further action, including how we can work with various levels of government to better meet the employment needs of newcomers.

Immigration Partnership Winnipeg (IPW), Winnipeg’s Local Immigration Partnership, also sits on this Committee.  As IPW has an Employment Sector Table, MANSO is working with them to identify ways that the two organizations can reduce duplication and complement one another’s work.

If you are interested attending a meeting of this committee – or of any of MANSO’s other committees – please contact the office.