On October 25th – 27th, 2017, MANSO hosted an Annual Integration Summit with support from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. A report and action plan will be published in winter 2018 from the event.
The following presentations were given at the event. Presentations are shared here with permission of the presenters. Several presentations have been recently added in French translation. These are highlighted in green.
Day 1: Resettlement Focus (Wednesday, October 25th, 2017)
Day 1 Session Summary: Supplement to MANSO Report
Plenary Presentation: Resettlement Update
- Resettlement Update from IRCC, Elizabeth Orton, IRCC (English)
- Mise à jour sur la réinstallation d’IRCC, Elizabeth Orton, IRCC (Francais)
Discussions: Collaboration on Standardized Needs Assessment
- Standardized Needs Assessment Forms, Felicien Rubayita, Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council
- Needs Assessment Presentation, Heather Rochon, Family Dynamics
- Note: Copies of the standardized needs assessment tools developed by Manitoba RAP providers are available here
Discussions: Collaboration between Private Sponsors & Service Providers
- Collaboration Between Private Sponsors and Service Providers, Ermias Yoseph, Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council and Gelila Hailu, Refugee Sponsorship Training Program
Discussions: Refugee Claimant Eligibility & Supports
- Bread and Borders, Louis Simbandumwe, Refugee Public Awareness Coalition
- Note: A current scan of services available to refugee claimants is available here and the Bread & Borders toolkit can be found here.
Workshops: Refugee Housing & Comprehensive Supports: Research
- Refugee Housing, Ray Silvius, University of Winnipeg
- Refugee Housing, Jill Bucklaschuk, University of Guelph
Workshops: Supporting Staff who are Exposed to Trauma
- Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace, Geoff Thompson, Occupational Health Centre
Workshops: The Refugee Employment Development Initiative (REDI) as Promising Practice
- Pathway Program to Construction Skills & Provincial / Federal Collaboration, Stuart Schwartz, Red River College
- REDI Lessons Learned, Marvin Marcial, Manitoba Institute for Trades and Technology
Day 2: Focus on Integration (Thursday, October 26th, 2017)
Day 2 Session Summary: Supplement to MANSO Report
Workshops: Alternative Business Models for Meaningful Employment
- Alternative Business Models, Carinna Rosales, SEED Winnipeg
Workshops: Pathways for Older Youth
- Employment Development Program, Thandiwe Ncube, N.E.E.D.S. Inc.
- Pathways for Older Youth, Diana Turner, Manitoba Education & Training
Workshops: Collaborating with Ethno-Cultural Communities: Summer Youth Programming as Promising Practice
- Collaborating with Ethno-Cultural Communities: Newcomer Summer Youth Enhancement Program, John Smyth, Aurora Family Therapy Centre
Workshops: Cultural Competency for Culturally Diverse Organizations
- Organizational Cultural Competency, Steve Reynolds, Regional Connections
Dinner & Dialogue: Service Providers & Ethno-cultural Community Organizations (Co-hosted with Immigration Partnership Winnipeg)
- Report on Interaction between Immigration Partnership Winnipeg (IPW) and Ethno-Cultural communities (ECCs), Dr. Manika Pradhan, Nepali Cultural Association
- Part II: Report on Interaction between IPW and ECCs, Yolima Carvajal, Colombian Association of Manitoba
Day 3: Focus on Settlement (Friday, October 27th, 2017)
Day 3 Session Summary: Supplement to MANSO Summit Report
Dialogue with Government: Visions and Directions for Immigration & Settlement Programming*
- State of Settlement in Manitoba, Nita Jolly and John Biles, IRCC
- État de l’établissement : Plan du Manitoba, Nita Jolly et John Biles, IRCC
- Placemat: Manitoba Settlement Funding (English)
- Placemat: Manitoba Settlement Funding (French)
- Settlement Evaluation, David Kurfurst, IRCC
- Évaluation du Programme d’établissement, David Kurfurst, IRCC
- Manitoba Grows Through Immigration, Ben Rempel, Province of Manitoba
Performance Measurement and iCare*
- Reporting and Accountability, Anne Couillard and David Kurfurst, IRCC
- Rapports et responsabilisation, Anne Couillard et David Kurfurst, IRCC
Cluster Strategy*
- Professional Development in PNT, John Biles, IRCC
- Groupes de concertation sur l’établissement, John Biles, IRCC
New Narratives and Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Immigrants in Smaller Regions
- New Narratives and Strategies, Yoko Yoshida, Dalhousie University and Howard Ramos, Dalhousie University