Kichi-Asotamatowin: Land & Treaties Curriculum

MANSO and Immigration Partnership Winnipeg are pleased to announce the launch of the Kichi-Asotamatowin*: Land & Treaties Curriculum for English as an Additional adult language program.  The curriculum is for use in LINC (Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada) programs as well as more informal contexts like conversation classes and one-on-one tutoring.

The curriculum was developed in partnership with Immigration Partnership Winnipeg, the Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba, University of Manitoba, Community Engaged Learning, and KAIROS Canada Inc.

Kichi-Asotamatowin: Land & Treaties Curriculum

In response to the Truth and Reconciliation Call to Action #93, Immigration Partnership Winnipeg and its partners are developing a larger project, called the Indigenous Orientation Toolkit (IOTK).  The English as an Additional Language curriculum is one part of that project and its goal is to provide newcomers with information on Indigenous history and culture, customs and beliefs, and contemporary issues faced by Indigenous peoples.

The curriculum is intended to assist teachers in introducing newcomers to the foundational history
of Indigenous nations and their historical and contemporary contributions to the development of Canada. The exploration is centred on First Nations’ and Metis peoples’ perspectives on land and Treaties. When combined with leadership, teaching, and self exploration, the activities are intended to support personal growth and solidarity, and help newcomers contribute to community reconciliation efforts. Although the curriculum was designed with a Manitoba-specific focus, we hope that it may also prove to be a useful resource for language programs in regions across Turtle Island.

Upcoming EAL Modules that are in development:

  • Assimilation: Bimikawesiwan (Anishinaabe) ‘no footprints’
    Worldviews & Spirituality: Wiinjiindaamin (Anishinaabe) ‘to follow the way of life’
    Indigenous Resilience and Resurgence: Zoonigiziyaan (Anishinaabe) ‘I am strong’
    Family: ‘Famili’ (Michif)

‘sacred promises to one another, sacred undertaking’ (there is no direct translation for the English word ‘Treaty’ in Cree)

If you have questions or comments about the language aspect of the curriculum, please feel free to contact Teresa Burke, Director of Language Support (MANSO) at

If you have questions or comments about the content of the curriculum, please feel free to contact Jamie Banias, or Adrianne Breyfogle, the Indigenous Engagement Coordinators at Immigration Partnership Winnipeg at or