Welcoming Syrian Refugees to Manitoba: Learn More and How Can I Help?

Community Update: Syrian Refugee Resettlement in Manitoba

As Manitoba prepares to welcome an increased number of refugees this winter, including many refugees from Syria, many community members have expressed interest in supporting the efforts of settlement and integration organizations.

Resources to Learn More:

The federal government has launched a #Refugeeswelcome website on the Syrian refguee response to keep the public informed and updated.  You can also learn more about the federal government’s five step resettlement plan or the provincial government’s response.

Manitoba Labour and Immigration is also compiling a list of resources that may be helpful to those who will work with refugee families after their arrival to Manitoba.

Private Sponsorship:

For those seeking information about the private sponsorship of Syrian refugees, please consult the Refugee Sponsorship Training Program and “Guide to the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program“.  To find which communities privately sponsored refugees will be destined to across Canada, consult this interactive map.

Volunteers / Donations:

In Manitoba, the Red Cross is operating a telephone line for inquiries about volunteering and donations.  The number is 1-888-662-3211 and it’s toll-free across Manitoba. The phone line is being staffed Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT.