Stay informed: Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

Please stay up to date with the latest information from your local and federal health authorities!

Below is a list of resources that MANSO compiled to keep you informed of the current situation.

Economic support from the Government of Canada

Other resources

Travel restrictions and exemptions

For Manitobans:

  • Help Next Door MB is an online tool that connects volunteers with people who need help


For Service Providers Organizations:

Your local health authorities will have further information on your specific community. The local health advisories should be used in any decision to reduce or stop programming.

IRCC’s response

  1. The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) – Business Continuity Plan Infectious Diseases – Pandemic Planning document.
  2. The Alliance for Human Services (in the United States) – Continuity of Operation Plan (COOP) for Nonprofit Human Services Providers template

Other tools and resources:


MANSO is sharing these resources for information purposes only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy but are making every effort to only provide information produced by trusted sources. We also do not promote or endorse any additional services offered on a third-party website. The situation is very fluid and information can change rapidly. Please refer to the local and federal health authority’ websites for the most up-to-date information. 

Last updated: May 1, 2020