Member Highlight: A & O: Support Services for Older Adults

SENIOR IMMIGRANT SETTLEMENT SERVICES (formerly Entry Program for Older Adult Immigrants)

A & O Announces Senior Immigrant Settlement Services

On September 1st, 2017 The Entry Program for Older Adult Immigrants officially restructured to become Senior Immigrant Settlement Services (SISS). The program offers a wide range of settlement services for newcomers 55 years of age and over. Our Entry for Seniors program is a group orientation where participants learn about important settlement topics such as law, health and safety, housing, transportation, money and banking and community information. Upon completing Entry for Seniors, participants are referred to The Winnipeg English Language Assessment and Referral Centre (WELARC) for a language assessment appointment. They may then register for our English Language Program for seniors or are welcome to join one of our English Conversation Circles.  A settlement worker is also available to provide additional information about community programs and services, to assist with forms and documents and offer opportunities to connect with other older adults in the community.

To celebrate the launch of the new program, we invited many of our community partners, board members, volunteers, staff, students and funder to join us for cake and coffee on August 31, 2017. Our guests were provided with information and handouts about the new programming, viewed a power point presentation and had the opportunity to be a part of our social media campaign.

All SISS programming is designed with older adults in mind. The classes are structured to support their unique learning needs and interests. Students are able to access any of A & O’s other supports and programming through internal referrals. Our programs are offered in a variety of community locations throughout Winnipeg.

With roots that trace back to 1957, the focus of A & O: Support Services for Older Adults’ operations is identifying and addressing many of the issues facing older adults. Hand in hand with older adults, and through partnerships with community groups, the Agency takes action to improve the quality of life for older adults in Manitoba through advocacy, education and service delivery.

A & O is a not-for-profit social service agency. All A & O’s programs and services support and enhance the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual lives of older persons and actively promote participation in all aspects of community life.

Please visit our website for more information.