Indigenous Film Resources
A website created by Julie Ship incudes links to resources to support educators with integrating Indigenous voices into their teaching. This website compiles film and other resources to support the positive integration of Indigenous Peoples’ worldviews & perspectives into classrooms (LINC, K-12, public & private language training, post-secondary & graduate levels).
BUILDING A FOUNDATION FOR CHANGE: Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy 2019-2022
Building a Foundation for Change: Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy 2019–2022 was launched on June 25th, 2019 and helps advance the Government of Canada’s vision of fostering and promoting a more inclusive and equitable country for all Canadians. A key pillar of the strategy is the establishment of a new Anti-Racism Secretariat that will lead a whole-of-government…
COPA: Resources on prevention of violence, bullying and child abuse
COPA provides schools and communities with unique multimedia educational resources, as well as training, professional development and opportunities for capacity- building and consultation throughout the province of Ontario. COPA is the Ontario Provincial Coordinator of the Francophone Settlement Workers’ in Schools Program, supported by IRCC. Le COPA offre aux écoles et aux collectivités des ressources…
AAISA: Building Champions of Anti-Racism and Anti-Islamophobia: A Practice Guide for Alberta’s Settlement Community
Building Champions of Anti-Racism and Anti-Islamophobia: A Practice Guide for Alberta’s Settlement Community (the ‘Practice Guide’) is a practical manual of principles, tools, resources and case examples that can help professionals, organizations, government or communities address racism and Islamophobia at an individual, community, or systems level. An online learning component will function alongside the Practice…