Curling Canada resources on Diversity and Inclusion

This resource is created by Curling Canada as part of its digital resource kit in support of creating meaningful change towards greater diversity and inclusivity in the sport of curling. This document list external resources and definitions that provide in-depth information about diversity and inclusion. For more resources, information, and the full Diversity & Inclusion…

Surrey First Peoples Guide for Newcomers

The Surrey First Peoples Guide for Newcomers is a response to the call for accurate resources on First Peoples in Canada from an Indigenous perspective.  It amplifies voices of the land-based Nations that Surrey occupies and builds solidarity between Indigenous and newcomer communities. This resource provides information on the traditional protocols, histories, and current realities of Indigenous, Metis,…

First Nations Colouring Book

Treaty One Territory, Manitoba – In partnership with the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC), the Canadian Red Cross produced the First Nations Health and Wellness Colouring Book as part of a continuing conversation with First Nations to support health and wellness. The colouring book is a collection of art produced by Manitoba First Nations artists invited to create pieces from a First Nation’s perspective.

Black, Indigenous and Persons of Colour (BIPOC) Mental Health Resources – Manitoba

The BIPOC Mental Health Workers Resource List is a Winnipeg resource for Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Colour identifying counsellors, therapists, and peer workers! Many intersecting identities of professionals, varying or no cost, and city-wide locations available. This is an open resource for the community and professionals alike so feel free to share! A little…

Recording: Supporting those who have experienced racism

This is a recording of components of the training organized by Immigration Partnership Winnipeg, in collaboration with MANSO and Strangers in New Homelands. The training was held on July 23rd, 2020. Our sincere thanks to our planning committee, group facilitators, and especially our presenters Mandela Kuet, Roselyn Advincula, Dr. Kathy Hogarth and Dr. Buster Ogbuagu….

Chamber of Commerce Truth and Reconciliation Roadmap

The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce has created the Truth & Reconciliation Roadmap (TRR)  resource that will reinforce the Chamber and the business community’s commitment to The Truth & Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) 94 Calls to Action (CTA) in 2015.  . The TRR serves as a pathfinder to provide businesses with the focus and resources to achieve…

University of Manitoba: Resource Recommendations Relating to Anti-Black and Anti-Indigenous Racism

Please note that some of the resources are listed are only available with University of Manitoba (or other academic institution) access.  The resources listed as ‘external resources’ are accessible to all. The University of Manitoba Libraries denounces anti-Black racism and police and state violence Here you will find books, articles, and other resources that provide…

List of Anti-Black Racism Resources

Nina Condo (Executive Director at Elmwood Community Resource Centre) was kind enough to share a list of resources that she has compiled for those interested in learning more about anti-black racism and tools to combat it. From there, MANSO has added some additional resources through suggestions from other community groups/ organizations that want to enrich…

ACS Studies: Canadian Opinion on the Corona Virus (Parts 1-20)

“The findings are based on a two week rolling average of groups identifying as visible minority, conducted by Leger in partnership with the Association for Canadian Studies with a total sample for the two weeks exceeding 3700 Canadians, 18 years of age or older and collected via an online panel between March 27 and March…