Anti-Racism in Sport Campaign (Winnipeg, MB)
This is an initiative by the Immigration Partnership Winnipeg (IPW), a local immigration partnership hosted by the Social Planning Council of Winnipeg. The Anti-Racism in Sport Campaign seeks to increase, promote, and engage in discussions on anti-racism in sport about the presence of all levels of racism in sport in Winnipeg and its impact on…
Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA) and Online Learning Portal
The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA) became law in December 2013. This landmark legislation provides a proactive process to remove barriers affecting persons with disabilities and many other citizens. The Accessibility Standard for Customer Service came into effect for businesses, non-profits and smaller municipalities on November 1, 2018. To meet the requirements of the standard…
Positive Spaces Starter Kit for settlement agencies – LGBTQIA+ newcomers (EN/FR)
The Positive Spaces Initiative Starter Kit was designed by OCASI in 2009 with the intention of supporting settlement agencies in the beginning phases of creating Positive Spaces. Specifically tailored to the settlement sector in Ontario, it contains five fact sheets and five stories drawn from interviews with LGBTQIA+ newcomers, staff, and allies who participated in the…
Tips and Tools for Keeping Documents and Events Accessible
Achieving a barrier-free service should be a goal for all service providers. We have collected some resources and tools for you to create accessible documents, websites, and events. Website and Social Media Web Accessibility in Mind Guide to Website Accessibility CNIB: Clear Print Guidelines Social Media Accessibility Designing for Accessibility: How to Make…
MANSO: Accessible Customer Service Standards Course
In partnership with the Manitoba Possible (formerly Society for Manitobans with Disabilities) and English Online, MANSO is launching an online course for staff and volunteers of our member organizations to learn about the Accessible Customer Service Standards (ACSS) that are part of the Accessibility for Manitobans Act. The Accessibility for Manitobans Act became law in Manitoba in December 2013….
Words Matter – Guidelines on Using Inclusive Language in the Workplace (BC Government)
This guide supports BC Public Service employees to model the use of inclusive language in the workplace and with citizens, however the principles and information included in the resource is relevant to all workplaces. Inclusive language is language that is free from words, phrases or tones that reflect prejudiced, stereotyped or discriminatory views of particular…
Accessibility for Manitobans Act: Tools to Support Accessibility
Manitoba’s Disabilities Issues Office (DIO) supports The Accessibility for Manitobans Act with a variety of tools to help expand knowledge and action on accessibility. The Accessibility Standard for Customer Service requires policies and training to provide services in an efficient, fair and respectful manner. The deadline for non-profits to comply is November 2018. The word “customer” means…