The Boards of Directors and staff of the Manitoba Immigrant and Refugee Settlement Sector Association (MIRSSA) and the Manitoba English as an Additional Languages Organizations (MEALO) are pleased to share that we will be amalgamating to become the…
Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO)
The amalgamation will take place in early spring 2016, and is the culmination of more than a year of intensive collaboration between the MIRSSA & MEALO boards of directors.
As umbrella organizations, MEALO and MIRSSA both have a mandate to support newcomer-serving organizations, with the long term goal of better supporting newcomers to Manitoba with their settlement and integration.
Amalgamation will…
Allow us to speak with one voice.
Our voice at provincial, regional and national tables will be stronger if we are able to draw on the knowledge and expertise of all MEALO and MIRSSA’s members.
Increase collaboration.
The opportunity to network with all types of newcomer-serving organizations will better allow all members to collaborate on joint initiatives and lend support to each other.
Build on our strengths.
MIRSSA and MEALO each have unique strengths as organizations; amalgamation will help us to build on our successes while reducing duplication.
The Integration Working Group collaborated with facilitator Erin Huck (Health In Common) on developing an initial mission, vision and values for the amalgamated organization.
MANSO Vision: Newcomers to Manitoba are welcomed, supported and engaged
MANSO Mission: To provide leadership, support and a unified voice for the settlement and integration sector, including core settlement services, language training, employment services, and welcoming communities.
Further details will be shared as they are available. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact staff or board members of either organization.