List of Resources: Support for the Ukrainian Community in Canada

Last updated: December 31, 2024

NOTE: Effective January 1, 2025, we are no longer updating this resource page. Please keep this in mind when reviewing and accessing resources listed on this page.

Below is a list of resources that MANSO has compiled to keep you informed of the current situation.


Operation Ukrainian Safe Haven Information, Resources, and Updates

Welcome Package for Ukrainian Arrivals

When you first arrive in Canada, there is a lot to do, but there is also a lot of help available. The Welcome Package below proposes a list of things newcomers can do before arrival and during your first days in Canada:

Frequently Asked Questions

The following FAQ is managed and updated by the national Operation for Ukrainian Safe Haven. It provides information relevant to Ukrainians settling anywhere in Canada.

Ways to get involved

Learn more about how you can help at This is a centralized hub where Canadians can share offers of housing or employment, donate money or goods and services, or sign up to volunteer.

  • Offers will be matched appropriately with provincial coordination hubs within each province.


Federal information, resources, and updates

Current information on measures

Visit IRCC’s immigration measures for people affected by the situation in Ukraine page for updates, resources and contact information, including:

  1. Contacting IRCC about the situation in Ukraine
  2. Status of IRCC’s offices overseas
  3. If you have immediate family in Ukraine
  4. Find useful information and resources if you are in Ukraine or if you are in Canada

CUAET (Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel visa) and other immigration and travel updates

New immigration streams for Ukrainian nationals

On March 3, 2022, IRCC issued a news release announcing the following new immigration streams for Ukrainian nationals who want to come to Canada temporarily or permanently:

  • Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET), available for all Ukrainian nationals wishing to come to Canada temporarily.
  • Special family reunification sponsorship pathway for permanent residence, for Ukrainian nationals who are immediate and extended family members of Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

A subsequent press release on July 15, 2023, announced a launch date for the family reunification program of October 23, 2023.

Visit IRCC’s website for regular updates.

Permanent residence for Ukrainian nationals with family members in Canada

The pathway to permanent residence for Ukrainian nationals with family members in Canada opened on October 23, 2023 and closed on October 22, 2024.  Click here to learn more.

Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel

The Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel opened on March 17, 2022. The last day to apply for the program from overseas was July 15, 2023. Ukrainian nationals and their families can still apply for a visitor visa through the regular process. Click here to learn more.

CUAET visa holders had until March 31, 2024, to travel to Canada under the special measures. CUAET holders who are already here in Canada had until March 31, 2024, to extend or adjust their temporary status through these measures, free of charge. CUAET visa holders who arrive after March 31, 2024, will be provided a 6 month visitor visa, and can apply from within country to extend or change their status (ie. add a work or study permit).

Those who received a final decision on their CUAET visa application on or after February 4, 2024, were given an extension to travel to Canada until December 31, 2024, while still accessing fee-exempt open work and study permits of up to 3 years in duration.

In addition, the Minister approved a new Temporary public policy to facilitate continued access to open work permits and study permits for foreign nationals In Canada who arrived under the CUAET measures on or before March 31, 2024. This means that eligible Ukrainians and their family members in Canada have until March 31, 2025, to apply for a study permit, open work permit or extension, subject to standard fees.

Medical exam

The federal government is waiving the pre-arrival immigration medical exam requirement for CUAET visa holders until 90 days after they arrive in Canada. If you need a medical exam to remove restrictions on your open work permit:

  • There is no cost for the exam in Manitoba.
  • You will need to present your Ukrainian ID, your CUAET visa and a Manitoba health card at the time of appointment. The nine-digit health number provided by Manitoba Health may be used if you do not have your physical health card.

Scroll down to “Open work permits for Ukrainians” to learn more about the medical exam.

Ukrainian settlement: Travelling to and settling in Canada

Visit this page to prepare before you travel to Canada, to learn more about your arrival at a Canadian airport, and to know where to find resources once you have landed, by province.

  • Are you in Warsaw? Click here to learn more about the Canada Information Centre (CI Centre) in Warsaw, Poland.

Ukrainian nationals already in Canada

Ukrainian nationals who arrived in Canada under a different status (for example, as visitors) can apply for a visa inside Canada but you need to meet certain criteria. For more details, click on this link: Visitor visas for workers and students: How to apply from inside Canada

Open work permits for Ukrainians

If you did not request a work permit when applying for a CUAET, or if you have questions about your current open work permit, click here to learn more.

  • Removing medical exemptions: Click here to learn how to arrange for a medical exam, to remove medical restrictions on your work permit
  • If you need help, click here to use a web form, or call +1-613-321-4243

Studying and Working in Canada as a CUAET visa holder

CUAET visa holders with a study permit only, will have restrictions on how much they can work. Guidelines are available here.

CUAET visa holders with a work permit only, who wish to pursue studies, and whose CUAET visa has a condition that states they cannot study, must obtain a study permit. You can hold both a work permit and study permit at the same time in Canada.

  • Click here to learn more about having a work permit and a study permit at the same time.

Settlement services for Ukrainian nationals

On March 30, 2022, Minister Sean Fraser announced that key settlement services will be available to Ukrainian nationals, including:

  • language training
  • information about and orientation to life in Canada, such as help with enrolling children in school
  • information and services to help access the labour market, including mentoring, networking, counselling, skills development and training
  • activities that promote connections with communities
  • assessments of other needs Ukrainians may have and referrals to appropriate agencies
  • services targeted to the needs of women, seniors, youth and LGBTQ2+ persons
  • other settlement supports available through the Settlement Program

Please refer to 3. Settlement services and support for list of free settlement services in Manitoba.

Ukrainians can access IRCC funded settlement services until March 31, 2025.

Welcome to Canada – Ukrainians coming to Canada

IRCC developed this portal, which includes detailed information and resources translated to Ukrainian on the following:

Webinar: CUAET Visa and Financial Support for Ukrainians Arriving in Canada

Click here to watch the recording in English of the webinar “CUAET Visa and Financial Support for Ukrainians Arriving in Canada”, hosted by OCASI and presented by IRCC and Service Canada. Cliquez ici pour l’interprétation en français de ce webinaire.

Emergency IRCC contact information for current applicants

  • IRCC established a dedicated service channel for Ukraine immigration enquiries available for clients both in Canada and abroad at 613-321-4243, with collect calls accepted. Clients can add the keyword “Ukraine2022” to the IRCC crisis web form with their enquiry and it will be prioritized.

Emergency contact information for Canadians in Ukraine (not related to immigration)

Anyone in need of help can call the government’s 24/7 Emergency Watch and Response Centre, based in Ottawa. The centre can be reached:

Canada Revenue Agency Resources

The following factsheet explains some federal benefits that Ukrainian nationals might be entitled to, after they arrive in Canada:

CRA also has a video available in English, Ukrainian and Russian, that explains benefits and credits for newcomers to Canada, and an infographic in English, Ukrainian and Russian.

GST/HST Credit

The GST/HST credit is a non-taxable amount paid four times a year to individuals and families with low and modest incomes to help offset the goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) that they pay.

You are generally eligible for the GST/HST credit if you are considered a Canadian resident for income tax purposes the month before and at the beginning of the month in which the Canada Revenue Agency makes a payment.

If you have children use the RC66 form and the RC66SCH form. If you do not have children use the RC151 form.

For information on the GST credit click here. To speak to someone directly, contact Benefit Enquiries at 1-800-387-1193.

Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR)

The CCR (formerly called the Climate Action Incentive Payment) is a tax-free amount paid to help individuals and families offset the cost of the federal pollution pricing. It is available to residents of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia and PEI.

Eligible residents who lived outside of a Census Metropolitan Area receive an additional 10%. Visit this website to find out if you qualify to receive the top-up.

Newcomers to Canada who submit an application to receive the GST/HST credit, will be automatically registered to receive the CCR.

More information about the CCR is available here.

Canada Child Benefit (CCB)

The Canada Child Benefit is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age. The CCB may include the child disability benefit and any related provincial and territorial programs.

For information on the CCB, click here. To speak to someone directly, contact the Benefit Enquiries at 1-800-387-1193.

Registering Children with CRA

If someone arrives in Canada with children, regardless of Citizenship status, they should complete the RC66 form and the RC66SCH form to register their children with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Even if they are not eligible to claim the Canada Child Benefit (CCB), due to citizenship status, they will be able to receive the correct amount of GST and Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR) based on their family structure and income levels.

Accessing CCB after 18 months in Canada

As Ukrainians arriving in Canada under the CUAET program were issued temporary resident permits upon their arrival, they or their spouse/common-law partner’s must meet the 18 months of continuous residency in Canada before satisfying all of the conditions to be considered an eligible individual for the CCB program and applying to receive the benefit payments.

In their 19th month of residency,  temporary residents must apply for CCB, either online through My Account or by submitting a completed Form RC66 by mail to their tax center. Applicants should not send a letter, as it may not include all the required information and would increase processing time.

My Account is available to temporary residents and is the most efficient way of submitting benefits applications.

CRA does not send reminders to temporary residents to apply for CCB on the 19th month. CCB eligibility will only be determined when the 18-month residency criterion (months between the date of entry and the application received date) is met. If the client applies before it is met, a denial notice will be issued and the client must reapply.

Canada Dental Benefit

The interim Canada Dental Benefit program ended on June 30, 2024. The program is now closed.

The program was intended to help lower dental costs for eligible families earning less than $90,000 per year. Parents and guardians may have been eligible if they paid for dental care for a child under 12 years old who did not have access to a private dental insurance plan. The benefit provided up to 2 payments per child for dental care between October 1, 2022 and June 30, 2024.

People can now check to see if they qualify for the new Canadian Dental Care Plan. This program is administered by service Canada, and information on the program can be found in the Service Canada section below.

CRA & community resources on income taxes

Filing your taxes with the federal government may allow you to apply for other financial benefits. You can file your own taxes electronically or by paper. You may also hire a representative to file your taxes on your behalf or visit a community volunteer tax clinic. To learn more about filing your taxes, please click here or review the Newcomers to Canada pamphlet.

Learn about your taxes is an online learning tool to help people understand how the Canadian tax system works. This resource seeks to demystify taxes, empowering individuals by teaching them how to do their personal taxes, and to increase awareness of available benefits and credits. Available in English and French only.

New Journey Housing has produced short videos related to filing your taxes in Canada:

Scam Awareness

The Little Black Book of Scams in a helpful guide produced by the Competition Bureau of Canada.

CRA has produced a number of posters that share information about how to protect yourself from various forms of scams.

More posters are available by visiting this page (select the language and poster of your choice from the drop-down menu at the right side).

Service Canada Resources

Service Canada’s Welcome to Canada guide was prepared to provide newly-arrived Ukrainians with essential information necessary during their first days in Canada. It is available in three languages:

Click here to see a guide by Service Canada on how to access financial assistance and related services for Ukrainian arrivals.

Financial Assistance

Click here to learn more about the one-time, non-taxable benefit provided by the Federal Government to Ukrainian families who are in Canada under the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel (CUAET)

This program is now closed. The last date CUAET visa holders could apply for the transtional assistance payment was June 30th, 2024.

Factsheets: Canada-Ukraine Transitional Financial Assistance

Social Insurance Number (SIN)

Social Insurance Numbers are issued to temporary residents with a work permit or study permit, as well as permanent residents and Canadian citizens.

The following factsheet explains how to protect your SIN in various languages:

Canada Dental Care Plan (CDCP)

Service Canada is administering the new CDCP. Ukrainian newcomers who filed their 2023 Canadian tax return last year, and meet eligibility criteria, are encouraged to apply.

The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) will help make the cost of dental care more affordable for eligible Canadian residents who:

This program is opening in phases. Applications are now open for:

  • Seniors aged 65 and over
  • Children under the age of 18
  • Adults with a valid Disability Tax Credit certificate

It is anticipated that the program will open to all other eligible residents in 2025. Find out when you or your client can apply.

Reimbursement for services

  • Only oral health providers get reimbursed for services covered under the CDCP.
  • If you are covered by the CDCP, you shouldn’t pay the full cost upfront, but you may have to pay any additional charges directly to the oral health provider.

You can contact the CDCP at 1-833-537-4342, or visit a Service Canada Centre, for more information.

Other information about the program can be found here.

Safety resources from the RCMP

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) have shared multilingual resources for Ukrainian newcomers.


Provincial information, resources and updates

Welcome Package for Ukrainian Arrivals

The Government of Manitoba has created a Welcome Package to help guide Ukrainian arrivals in the first 30 days of settling in Manitoba. It is available in Ukrainian and English.

Manitoba for Ukraine – resources by the Manitoba Government

The Manitoba government has launched the website to help give newcomers from Ukraine an easy, one-stop shop for helpful information about arriving in Manitoba, health care, financial assistance and more.

Employment and Income Assistance (EIA)

The Province of Manitoba previously provided CUAET visa holders who met financial eligibility requirements, with financial assistance through the Temporary Assistance Program (TAP).

To provide sustainable supports to CUAET visa holders, TAP ended March 31, 2023, and as of April 1, 2023, eligible CUAET visa holders can access Employment and Income Assistance (EIA).

The EIA program provides financial help to families in Manitoba who have no other way to support themselves, and includes benefits for food, shelter, clothing, personal and household needs, basic dental, optical and prescription drugs, and health-related supplies or equipment not provided by other programs. For people who are able to work, EIA also supports individuals with the transition to employment.

Households previously receiving TAP financial benefits were transitioned to EIA in April 2023. Individuals who were not receiving TAP benefits and are in financial need, will need to apply for EIA.

For further information regarding EIA eligibility click here. Information regarding EIA applications for newcomers under CUAET may be requested by leaving a voicemail at 204-945-5324 or emailing Clients should not attend an EIA office unless advised to do so.

A factsheet on EIA for CUAET visa holders in available in English and Ukrainian.

Information on Healthcare Access for Ukrainians

Manitoba Health Card

Manitoba Health issues a card (or registration certificate) to all Manitoba residents, which includes a 9-digit lifetime identification number for each family member. CUAET visa holders are eligible for health care coverage as of the date they arrive in Manitoba.

Resources for Ukrainian Arrivals

The Province of Manitoba has shared a document outlining health services CUAET visa holders are eligible for. Access it here.

Below you can download an info sheet with various Winnipeg-based health resources and contacts for Ukrainians. These include mental health resources and access to interpreters when requesting health services:

Resources for Health Providers

Shared Health created this page with relevant health-related resources, links and contact information for health providers serving Ukrainian arrivals.

Resources for Parents

Newcomer Parent Guides for schools

The Province has prepared school guides in English, Ukrainian, Russian, and French for newcomer parents of school-aged children. Click here to view the guides.

Manitoba School System & Registration Process

In Fall 2022, MANSO, NEEDS, UCC and Immigrant Centre hosted an information session on the Manitoba School System & Registration Process, with Ukrainian interpretation, which was recorded here.

Child care subsidy

The Child Care Subsidy Program provides provincial support to eligible families to help with the cost of care by reducing child care fees. CUAET visa holders are eligible for child care subsidy, which is based on income. The full parent fee cost will be approved for the first six months of child care. Contact the subsidy office at or (204) 945-8195.

Manitoba Pre-Natal Benefit

CUAET visa holders who are pregnant may be eligible for the Manitoba Prenatal Benefit. Expectant mothers with an income of less than $32,000 can receive up to $81.41 per month in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. The benefit also connects participants to Healthy Baby Community Support programs and resources. Learn more and apply here.

Newcomers who have not filed income taxes yet in Canada, will have to fill out the Newcomer to Canada Form in addition to the regular Healthy Baby Prenatal Benefit Application Form.

To contact the Manitoba Prenatal Benefit Program directly, call 204-945-1301 (in Winnipeg) or toll free at 1-877-587-6224 (outside Winnipeg).

Housing Resources

Canada Manitoba Housing Benefit (CMHB) – Homelessness Stream

Ukrainians with a CUAET visa may be eligible for the Canada Manitoba Housing Benefit which can provide up to $350 per month to help cover the cost of rent, plus an additional $72 per month if the rental fee does not include utilities. Applicants must meet all of the eligibility of the homelessness stream criteria which can be found here. A tenancy agreement, proof of income or a copy of EIA budget letter (request at, and a copy of CUAET visa, are needed to apply.

To learn more about recent CMHB updates watch our Lunch & Learn which was hosted on May 23rd, 2024

Updated application forms can be accessed here:

For more information and to submit new applications via email, mail, or in person:

  • Email:
  • Mail: Department of Families Provincial Services
    100-114 Garry Street
    Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 4V4

For more information and to submit Renewal or Change of Information forms:

Manitoba Hydro Information

Manitoba Hydro wants to remind all new Canadians about the dangers of natural gas and carbon monoxide (CO). Manitoba Hydro has produced a physical brochure that includes a scratch-and-sniff sticker to illustrate what natural gas smells like. Please contact the MANSO office at to put in a request for physical copies for your organization.

Digital copies: English, French, Ukrainian

RTB Resources

The Residential Tenancies Branch has translated the following resources into Ukrainian:

Tenant Insurance Brochure

The MANSO Housing Committee created this brochure in 2022, and made it available in several languages. In November 2023, it was translated into Ukrainian.

Information on Buying a Home as a Temporary Resident

New Journey Housing held a webinar with Jennifer Berthelette (Realtor PREC), and Brian McIver and Kiranjit Bedi (Assiniboine Credit Union). They shared information about the new ‘Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act’. This information is important for anyone that wants to buy a house in Canada but is not a permanent resident or citizen. Watch the recording here.


Settlement services and support

Housing Support in Winnipeg

New Journey Housing is a Winnipeg-based agency that helps newcomers find housing. New Journey Housing is located at 200-305 Broadway, and can be reached by phone at 204-942-2238.

New Journey Housing also hosts informational workshops on housing-related topics. Click here to visit their website and learn more about upcoming virtual and in-person sessions.

Settling in Rural Manitoba

Welcome Place provides support and information to newcomers interested in moving to rural Manitoba. Weekly info sessions for Ukrainian newcomers on communities and employment opportunities outside Winnipeg, will be held at Welcome Place’s main office at 521 Bannatyne Ave. Info sessions are held on Tuesdays from 9:30 am – 12 pm (no registration required). For more information, please visit the Welcome Place website.

Needs assessments, referrals, and other services

Manitoba Start provides central registration services and Needs and Assets Assessment and Referral Services (NAARS) for all newcomers arriving to facilitate awareness of settlement supports, linking to language training, the workforce and longer-term settlement needs.

  • Click here to learn how to register for services with Manitoba Start
  • Click here to visit the website Welcome to Winnipeg (Winnipeg Settlement & Orientation)
  • Click here to learn how to get the Welcome to Canada App in Ukrainian
  • Click here to watch the Manitoba Start’s WIN Settlement Guide in Ukrainian

Settlement agencies offer free services to newcomers in Manitoba, to support them in their settlement and integration process. To find a service provider near you, you can:

  • Click here to find free IRCC-funded newcomer services near you
  • View a map of IRCC-funded newcomer services across Canada (English, French, Ukrainian/Russian)
  • Click here to view the Winnipeg settlement services guide.
  • Click here to find MANSO member agencies providing free settlement services in Manitoba
  • Click here to find MANSO member agencies providing free employment search support in Manitoba
  • For any other free services offered by MANSO members, click here and then filter by type of service offered, using the “Website category” drop-down menu under the Search section on the right.

Mental Health resources

Navigating Mental Health Services

If you live in Manitoba and are trying to navigate mental health services you can connect with the Service Navigation Hub:

Other resources and supports


Other information and resources

Recreation, transit, and safety resources by the City of Winnipeg

Winnipeg residents, including Ukrainian individuals arriving under CUAET, are eligible for the following programs provided by the City of Winnipeg:

The Winnipeg Police Service prepared these informational sheets in English and in Ukrainian with advice about personal safety, and contacts for emergencies and to schedule a presentation.

The Winnipeg Public Library prepared these Welcome to the Library information sheets in English and in Ukrainian.

Legal Support

The Government of Canada is working with Pro Bono Ontario to offer free legal supports to Ukrainian newcomers across Canada (and pre-arrival) with questions about immigration and legal systems.

  • Call 1-877-873-7875
  • 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM CST
  • Monday to Friday
  • Assistance is available in English, French and Ukrainian.

Family Violence Resources

If you are in an abusive relationship, or you know someone who may be, reach for support. You are not alone. For immediate support:

  • Call 1-877-977-0007
  • Text 204-792-5302 or 204-805-6682

For information and resources, call 211 and visit Family violence prevention program and Domestic Violence & Intimate Partner Violence Resources

COVID-19 information in Ukrainian and Russian

Click here to find a regularly updated list of information and resources about COVID-19, vaccination, and prevention. All resources are by federal and provincial government sources unless otherwise noted.

  • COVID-19 factsheets by Metropolis Social Determinants of Health – includes 7 factsheets addressing topics like Omicron, boosters, testing, and child vaccination

Resources for Educators

Interpretation Services

CanTalk’s 24/7 interpretation services via phone are available for verifiable organizations in order to speak, and translate as needed, with those Ukrainian citizens and refugees arriving in Manitoba, from other areas of Canada, from Ukraine OR with those in countries surrounding Ukraine and in languages required. Please refer to their Offer of Language Assistance for more information and contact details.


  • The Province of Manitoba has put together factsheets for employers and Ukrainian arrivals, on employment opportunities for Ukrainian newcomers in Manitoba:
  • factsheet for employers
  • factsheet for newcomers (Ukrainian, English)

The Province of Manitoba is also hosting free employment information events. Visit the calendar and click the arrow beside the name of the month to see available sessions.

There are several job portals where Ukrainians can find employment, and employers can consider post-job opportunities, including:

  • Jobs for Ukraine: The Federal Government maintains this page with job opportunities submitted by employers for Ukrainian Nationals.
  • Work in Manitoba: Work in Manitoba connects employers with skilled talent who wish to pursue a career in Manitoba.
  • Job Connections Portal: Economic Development Winnipeg’s Business Development team, YES! Winnipeg added a section to its Job Connections Portal to connect Ukrainians with job opportunities submitted by employers.
  • Newcomer Employment Hub: Initiated by The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce and Immigration Partnership Winnipeg, the Hub is an online job tool that matches job seekers and Manitoba employers.
  • Manitoba Start: Manitoba Start partners with employers to identify opportunities in many fields and industries. Check their job postings for opportunities for Ukrainian nationals.



MANSO is sharing these resources for information purposes only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information, but we are making every effort to only provide information produced by trusted sources. We also do not promote or endorse any additional services offered on a third-party website. The situation is very fluid, and information can change rapidly. Please refer to the Government of Canada website for the most up-to-date information.